3 Guidelines On What To Do When Facing Various Dental Emergencies

22 December 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Teeth can develop sensitivity without notice. On other occasions, a severe impact may cause one to fall off. Note that most people panic when they experience such dental emergencies. However, knowing what to do in that stressful situation can help you save a tooth you would otherwise lose. Also, having the contacts of a reliable emergency dentist can help you get the help you need within the shortest time. Here are four situations that call for immediate care.

Excruciating Pain

Some causes of tooth and gum pain include cavities and infections. More so, you can treat a few toothaches without visiting the dentist, while others, like swelling, need immediate attention. More importantly, an appointment at the dentist is the best course of action when experiencing dental pain. That said, anti-inflammatory medications may also help, as the painkillers will reduce the swelling and pain in your teeth as you head to the dentist. Alternatively, gurgle salt water in your mouth after meals to remove leftover food particles.

Knocked Out Tooth

Your tooth can fall out entirely after sustaining facial impact or trauma. Sometimes, an oral health expert can reinsert a fallen tooth back into its place. Given this, don't forget to take your tooth with you as you seek medical care. When possible, hold it by the top and rinse it under cold water after it has been knocked out. If you can, you should try to put it back in the socket. If you've lost a tooth and can't get it back in, bring it to the dentist wrapped in a damp paper towel or a jug of milk. More importantly, seek immediate attention at the nearest emergency room. This is because a tooth that has fallen out of the socket can get a successful reattachment if addressed quickly.

Uncontrolled Bleeding After a Dental Procedure

After having a tooth extracted, you should expect to feel some pain and possibly bleed a little. However, if the situation worsens, you are dealing with an oral health emergency. Immediately after this occurs, place a clean gauze over the affected area and bite it down. You should also refrain from doing the following activities: spitting, sucking on gum, smoking, and rinsing your mouth. Then, get in touch with your dentist to see if you need to schedule a follow-up appointment. Once you go in for the checkup, they will control the bleeding and prevent infections.

As you can see, contacting an emergency dentist determines whether your teeth will survive the emergency. So, call a dentist immediately after the emergency happens for the appropriate steps to follow.

For more information, contact a dentist.