2 Essential Dental And Personal Characteristics Of Patients Well-Suited For Resin Bonding
ShareResin dental bonds offer a way for cosmetic dentistry specialists to correct a variety of cosmetic problems with a tooth or teeth. Bonds have advantages and disadvantages compared to other similar treatments like dental veneers. There is a couple of key dental and personal characteristics that can help you determine, with your dentist's assistance, whether you are well-suited for resin bonding.
Need a Surface-Level Cavity Filled
Cavities form when oral bacteria eat through the enamel and dentin layers of the tooth. Major cavities involve the formation of a hole that penetrates deep into the tooth, potentially exposing the root canal and sensitive pulp material inside. This type needs an inserted filling material that can plug the hole and keep the interior of your tooth safe from trauma or infection.
But not all cavities are deep. Surface level cavities look more like discolored pitting and only penetrate through the enamel and upper layers of dentin. If you improve your oral health care, this type mostly poses a cosmetic concern, and if the cavity is on the front of the tooth, your dentist might use a resin bond to cover the problem.
The resin material is malleable so that the dentist can mold the piece directly onto the prepped and sanded surface of your tooth for the best fit. The resin will then harden into place with a medical light. The bond covers the cavity quickly, and you won't' need to lose a lot of the tooth to sanding, which sometimes precedes a dental veneer.
Want a Faster, Cheaper Veneer Alternative
The application method for resin bonds is quick and requires only one visit to the dentist's office. Porcelain veneers, while they offer a more precise fit, require multiple office visits to create molds of your tooth, prep the tooth with sanding and cement, and to fit the lab-created veneer.
The fewer office visits can lead to lower application costs. The resin for bonds is also cheaper than the porcelain for veneers, so bonds work better for patients on a budget. Do note that bonds are somewhat more vulnerable to damage than porcelain so you might have to come back to the office for a bond replacement in the future.
Do you think your dental and personal characteristics match well with a dental bond? Contact your general or cosmetic dentist office for a consultation to find out for sure that this is the best dental treatment for your needs or visit a website like http://www.apollodentalcenter.com.