2 Things To Add To Your Current Dental Regimen To Improve Oral Health

19 August 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Having a healthy mouth is important. Many systemic conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, are linked to your oral health. Still, it may seem difficult to care for your teeth and gums properly. Here are a few things you can add to your current oral health regimen to benefit your teeth and gums:

Chewing Gum

Simply chewing gum regularly can have a positive impact on your dental health. Gum, if sugarless, does not supply oral bacteria with the food they need to thrive. This is important because the microbes in your mouth emit acid after feeding. This acid is responsible for causing tooth decay and gum inflammation. 

Instead of aiding in the production of acid, gum can help dilute it by encouraging the production of more saliva. Saliva usually has more of a neutral pH, so it decreases the acidity in the mouth. Also, gum helps clean the teeth by removing food particles and plaque. The sticky texture of the gum adheres to the debris and pulls it from the teeth. 

Some varieties of gum have specialized benefits, such as antibacterial properties or teeth-whitening abilities. Gums that include cinnamon or xylitol can help kill the bacteria in your mouth. Additionally, gum that contains polishing ingredients, such as baking soda and titanium dioxide, helps to remove light dental stains. Some gum even contains substances that help dissolve stains, such as malic acid.

Drinking and Rinsing with Water

Even if you have not been drinking as much water as you should for overall health, consider adding more water to your diet for your teeth. Water helps you avoid dehydration that could lead to dry mouth. It also dilutes oral acid and helps rinse away leftover food. 

If you don't want to drink large amounts of the clear liquid, rinse with it after meals and snacks. If the water contains fluoride, you will get the added benefit of helping your teeth become more resistant to acid. 

When fluoride enters the mouth, it adheres to the teeth and attracts minerals, such as phosphorous and calcium. As fluoride combines with the minerals, a new compound is formed. The newly made enamel material is better at resisting acid than your original tooth enamel. 

To learn more ways to improve your oral health, visit a dentist in your area, such as those found at Samuel L Stokke DDS. He or she can assess the state of your teeth and gums and help you devise the best regimen for your needs.