How To Cope With Tooth Sensitivity

10 February 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Tooth sensitivity is no laughing matter. It involves excruciating pain that is often brought on when you eat or drink something especially hot or cold. Most people have sensitive teeth because the protective layers on their teeth have been worn away. When this occurs, it leaves your teeth exposed and vulnerable. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the sufferings of tooth sensitivity.

Use the Right Toothbrush

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush when brushing your teeth, because a hard-bristled toothbrush may damage the tooth enamel. This also holds true if you brush your teeth too hard. Choose a toothbrush with the softest bristles possible, and only use a gentle amount of pressure when brushing your teeth.

Use the Right Brushing Technique

You may think that brushing your teeth is the mere process of brushing your teeth using a back and forth motion; however, this technique can actually cause your gums to recede. The correct way to brush your teeth is to hold the brush at a 45 degree angle and use a circular motion when brushing. You can tell if you are brushing too hard by looking at the bristles of the toothbrush. They should not be smashed against your teeth and they should not be pointing in various directions.

Rinse with Warm Water

If you tend to rinse your mouth with cold water after brushing, this may be aggravating your tooth sensitivity. Never rinse with hot or cold water.

Use Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth

There are several brands of over-the-counter toothpaste that you can use to help with sensitive teeth. These specialized toothpastes have ingredients that help to diminish sensitivity by filling dentin channels. Another trick that you can use is to put some toothpaste on the sensitive spots before bedtime.

Use a Fluoride Rinse

Your local pharmacy more than likely has a variety of fluoride rinses available over the counter. These fluoride rinses are ideal for helping to lessen tooth sensitivity. This is especially true for those who have tooth decay issues. You can use it once per day by swishing it around your mouth several times and then spitting it out. There are also stronger versions of fluoride rinses that are not available over the counter; your dentist can prescribe one to you.

If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, follow these steps. You also should not be shy about talking to your dentist about your overly sensitive teeth; see if he or she can offer any additional suggestions.